The election for security guard of the year is underway again

Logo for the election of the security worker of the year, man at the laptop

On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the voting phase for the security guard of the year 2023 (Sicherheitsmitrabeiter:in des Jahres) will officially begin. This year's jury consists of Steffen Ebert, Editor-in-Chief of the trade magazine GIT Sicherheit + Management, Lars Müller, 1st Chairman of the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Security Companies (BMSV) and Michael Kulig, Managing Director, founder and partner of COREDINATE GmbH, which distributes the guard control system of the same name.


In order to encourage female security staff to apply for this award, the logo has been made gender-neutral.

You can find out more details here:

Election for "Sicherheitsmitarbeiter des Jahres"






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