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Security concepts are difficult to implement

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A recent study by techconsult GmbH shows that the implementation of security concepts in small and medium-sized enterprises is difficult to achieve.

One reason is that many employees in SMEs do not have too much to do with the subject of IT security in their everyday work and do not have any specialist knowledge in this important area. This also applies to many companies in the security industry.

There are many reasons for this, including the lack of IT personnel, the lack of specialist qualifications, the enormous amount of time required, an incomplete overview of the market and the high costs of implementing IT security.


The detailed figures of the companies surveyed that identified IT security as a problem:

  • 50% of the companies stated that too high costs are an important factor,
  • 67% of the companies stated that the lack of qualifications is the key as well as the lack of personnel,
  • 50% cited sheer time as an impediment,
  • 33% stated that they lacked an overview and therefore found it difficult to make a decision.

Source: techconsult GmbH (IT security in SMEs: ignorance is the greatest evil), 2020

The basic problem is, every single employee working within a company represents a potential risk for the security infrastructure. In some operations, there is a lack of awareness. In many operations, awareness is present, but a strategy to address it is lacking.

Security concepts, the decisive value:

More than 60 percent of the SMEs surveyed have been victims of IT security incidents in the past two years. Malware infections and phishing e-mails are a frequent source of danger.

High-level training as a solution

One solution is to continuously train employees. IT security is the critical success factor for the future. Without continuous and good seminars in this area, companies will not be able to get by in the future. Damage caused by ignorance and non-data protection-compliant behavior is considerably more expensive than the most expensive training measure.

SaaS software solutions as an important foundation

In the security industry, the problem occurs to a large extent in companies that use classic WKS systems.

Data collected during the tour, is transferred directly to local computers after the end of the shift. The data is then left to the security of the local system.

A SaaS system improves the security architecture right from the start of use. Provided that the providers of the system are able to offer a state-of-the-art infrastructure.

As a user of COREDINATE's OWKS(R) you are on the safe side. COREDNATE offers your security service a valid security concept. You and your employees have many tasks. Put your data in the hands of professionals. The online workforce management system of COREDINATE is a digital assistance system and offers you a wide range of possibilities for the tasks of your security service.

COREDINATE offers you real-time data that is available to you exactly when you need it and a daily activity report that always shows you the current status of the work. Data security at its best.

The cloud is synonymous with a central location that you can access online from anywhere. COREDINATE even offers you the possibility to access your data offline, another advantage that distinguishes us from many competitors.

A decisive factor is the location of the data servers. Your data is always subject to the strict German data protection rules.

COREDINATE lives the premium brand claim Made in Germany. The data transfer is done by SSL encryption. This ensures that you may have a safe feeling even in insecure networks.

Furthermore, our servers have secure access controls in the digital area and secure access controls in the physical area. Data that you store with COREDINATE is not only secure, but also highly available (99.9%).


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