
With COREDINATE you can design your "cockpit" completely individually. You only see the information that is important for you, everything else is hidden. You are also not limited to a single dashboard, but can create several with different widgets.


You only want to see the tours and tasks to be done? – No problem! Drag and drop the tile widgets you need into your Flexible Dashboard, resize and rearrange them to your liking, and use the many filtering options to further customize the information you see.

Your advantages

Focus on what's important: Only the information that is important to you personally is displayed in your dashboard. The settings you make on your Flexible Dashboard are also saved. This means you only have to create a dashboard once and all the filters and arrangement are retained.

You are not limited in the number of your dashboards. For example, you can create a separate dashboard with individual content for each object. And: You can even share these views company-wide.



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