Set reminders for recurring rules

You can set reminders for repetition rules, which are then displayed to the employee in the mobile device.

If, for example, you set a schedule for a task or tour, you have the option of creating reminders for it, which are displayed on the app according to the schedule you have entered, so that the employee can no longer forget or overlook a tour or task that is due. To do this, simply create a tour or task and then click on the Scheduling tab for tours and on Create schedule rule for tasks.

Below we explain how to create the reminder function:

A tour or task can be carried out at any time. If you would like to set specific times, please click on + Add schedule rule.




A wizard opens, allowing you to conveniently set when and how often your tour or task should be carried out:




Depending on the preselection (which is then highlighted in blue) that you make in these fields, you have the following setting options:


Meaning and setting options

The tour only needs to be completed once at a specific time. You can set:

  • Time
  • Date
The tour is scheduled to take place once on 15.08.2018 at 9.00 am.

The tour must be carried out at a specific time every day. You can set this:

  • Time
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then the execution will only take place daily during this time)
The tour should be carried out every day at 9.00 am.

Here the tour is due on certain days of the week. You can set:

  • Time
  • Day of the week (simply click)
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then execution will only take place during this period)
The tour will take place every Monday and Thursday at 9.00 am.

The tour is due on a specific day of the month. You can set this:

  • Time
  • Day of the month
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then execution will only take place during this period)
The tour must be carried out on the 15th of every month.

The tour is due on a specific day within a specific month. You can set:

  • Time
  • month
  • Day of the month
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then execution will only take place during this period)
The tour is to be carried out on December 24 of each year.


Please make your selection (in our example it is Daily) and then click Next. You will see the following view:


You can set the desired time here either using the small blue arrows or by entering the digits directly in the fields. You can also adjust your time zone. Under Simulated incidents you can see when the executions are to take place and by clicking on the page numbers you can view the other executions. Now click on Next and you will see this display:



Please enter here how often the tour or task must be completed. Check the With lead time box to specify whether the tour or task can be completed earlier than the main time you have entered.

Under Time frame, you will see the main execution time you have specified in the middle (10:30).
To the left of this, you can see the earliest time from which the tour or task can be started and, on the right, the latest time by which the tour or task must be completed. If you now click on Next, you will be given the option of setting a reminder for the time planning.




Now click on + Add reminder and enter the desired time frame when the reminder should be triggered. You can set one or more reminders for an appointment.

If you have clicked on the green Save button at the bottom right, your settings will be displayed as follows:


Here you can immediately see how your tour or task is scheduled and the reminder times are also displayed here. 



If you need several different schedules for a tour or a task, please click on + Add validity under your first created schedule and the scheduling wizard will be displayed again.




If an exception to the execution times is required, click on + Add exception. Please enter the desired dates as you did the first time. Once you have done this, the additional scheduling will appear below the first one, as shown in the example image below.
