Create a tour

First assign a name for the tour and assign it to an area. You can then select the checkpoints to be included in the tour.

Create a new tour

Think of a tour as a jar into which you can place the individual checkpoints that are to be approached on this tour. Only when COREDINATE knows which checkpoints make up the tour, it can monitor the completeness and, if desired, the order of the checkpoint scans.

To create a new tour, proceed as follows:

(You can watch a short video here to view the tour creation). 

In the portal, open the Master data entry in the main menu on the left and then Tours.




A list of already created tours will appear (of course it can be empty) – please click on the blue field + Create tour to create a new tour.



Another window opens where you can enter the name of the new tour and assign it to the area in which it is to be executed. To do this, either use the search field under Assignments, in which you can enter the name of the area, or click on the tree structure below it.




You can assign the tour not only to one but also to several areas. To do this, simply set the corresponding checkmarks within the tree structure of your customers and areas. As a result, the tour will be visible in several areas within the app and can be started in Area A and Area B, for example.

Please note, however: A tour ultimately consists of control points and these must, of course, also be available in all selected areas.

As soon as we have defined a name and an assignment and clicked on Create, the new tour will be opened in the detail view.

The orange hint bar tells you that the tour has been created, but because no route points (control points) have been assigned yet, this tour will not be displayed on the mobile device!



If you have created a notification rule for a tour (when the status of the tour changes), you will see the stored rule in the Notification rules field on the right. Clicking on the rule takes you directly to the corresponding notification rule and you can change or add to it if necessary.

Now we have to select the control points that should be present in our route. To do this, please click on Route points to the right of General, the following window will open:




Please click on the blue box on the right and a popup will open.




Here you now select all the control points to be included in the tour.



It is also possible to place one and the same control point several times in one tour. This is useful if, for example, an object has to be checked several times on one tour. Simply add the required control point(s) to the tour again.


If you want to combine several customers/ areas in the tour, click on the respective customers and areas and select the control points that you want to include in the tour. How to schedule a tour, we explain to you here.