Manage checkpoints

Checkpoints are used to prove to your employees that they performed a check at a specific time and place.

To do this, you must teach in control points for an area after you have created customers and then the areas. We show you how to create a customer here.

You can find out how to create areas here and how to teach in control points in this article.


You can rename control points or make them available for other areas by moving them. Alternatively, you can also delete control points and teach them in again in another object.


Move checkpoints to another area

Select the customer/area in which the checkpoints you want to move are located.





Select the control points that you want to move. After clicking on Adjust assignments, you must select where you want to move the control points.


Now click on Set assignments to display the success in green at the bottom right. The control points are now ready for use where you have moved them.


If tasks are assigned to a checkpoint, the tasks for the checkpoints are also moved!

Rename checkpoints

If you want to rename control points, e.g. to adapt them to the new area, please proceed as follows. Click on the name of the desired checkpoint. You are now directly in the control point. You can change the name and description on the left under General:





After clicking on Save you will see the result:

