Use actions on reports in the overview

Recipients can be removed from the report list directly without detours from the shipping settings

You have the option of carrying out various actions in the report overview. We explain what these are in detail here. Select Reporting -> Reports in the main menu on the left and you will see the reports you have created:




Here you now have various options for executing actions directly in the list.

Delete recipient:

Click on the number symbol in the column below the recipient symbol on the right-hand side of the report row. Here you can now see who is entered as a recipient:



You can delete the recipient by clicking on the trash icon, a warning will be displayed:


Wählen Sie Löschen, bekommen Sie wieder die Sicherheitsabfrage:



If you click Confirm here, the recipient is deleted, which is also shown by the number of recipients in the column.

You also have the option of carrying out individual or multiple actions in this list. Simply click on the small gray boxes to the left of the reports to select the reports you want to change, the boxes will then be displayed as active.




Here you have the option of deleting several reports at the same time. You will first see a pop-up in which you can select the recipients to be deleted. If you click on Confirm, you delete all selected reports completely.


You also have the option of selecting all reports at once, simply click on the box at the top left of the table – all reports are ticked so that you can then carry out the desired actions (as described above).




If you have made a mistake, simply click the Deselect button and all selections will be removed. With active, automatic reports, you can also see the next execution time at a glance: