Start a tour

To start a tour, the user must select the desired area and tour in the application and start the tour.

Start a tour

To start a tour, log in to the app and tap Functions on Search area.


After that a list with all created areas will open, tap the desired area.



Now press Show tours under Modules.


A list of all created tours appears there. Click on the desired tour and then on Start tour.




Please note that tours must always be explicitly started by hand! They do not start automatically!

After that you will see how many control points have been scanned and how many are still to be scanned.



Here you can also report Events, pause the tour and see all the checkpoints that are on the tour. Tap on the options of a control point and behind which a  you will see more information about the checkpoint, e.g. where it is located or tasks to be done at this checkpoint. If a checkpoint, behind which you can see the information icon If you see a checkpoint that has not yet been scanned, you can tap it to retrieve the stored information in advance. When you scan the checkpoint, the display of the scanned checkpoint turns green and the information field opens automatically so that the employee can immediately see what information is stored for this checkpoint without any effort.