Share self-created dashboard with other users

The variable dashboards you create can now also be shared with other employees so that the relevant information can be displayed without complicated rights assignment

As an object manager or supervisor, I may want to be able to share my preconfigured dashboard with other users so that I can provide other users with targeted information without having to grant them all the corresponding rights. We explain how this works in this article.

First, of course, you need to create your own variable dashboard according to your criteria. You can find out how to create and use this in this article.


Once you have customized your dashboard according to your criteria and it is displayed, you can now specify who is allowed to see the dashboard.

To do this, please click on the Visibilities button on the right-hand side of your dashboard.  You will see a message that this dashboard is not yet shared.


To change this, click on Determine assignment, whereupon you will receive a new pop-up:

Assign employees:


Here you define in detail which employees are allowed to see the dashboard.

Determine assignment / Assign group(s):


Here you define which group of employees can see the dashboard. Only employees who are assigned to the object or area you have selected can see the dashboard.


Once you have made your selection, please click on Apply. In the Visibilities button, you can also see how many employees are allowed to see your dashboard. If you want to remove the visibility for other employees, click on the Visibilities button and then on Set to private.


A warning message will appear, which you must confirm.


In this case, no other employee apart from you will be able to see your dashboard. The system will display a brief confirmation that your dashboard is now set to private again:



You can also explicitly remove individual employees from the assignment, i.e. edit the assignments in detail, by simply clicking on the Determine assignment button again and ticking the boxes for new employees or groups and/or unchecking the boxes for employees.