Print information from the portal

For example, if you want to print a list of your customers, areas, keys, etc., you can do this from your PC's print menu.

To output important data as a list from the portal, you can print lists of important data such as customer list, area list, key list, etc. through the print function of your computer. How you can realize this, we explain here in this short article:

First, please log in to the portal. Then select here which data you want to print. As an example, we have chosen the keys here.




When you are on the desired page, right-click in the window and select Print.




After clicking Print, you will usually get a print preview. COREDINATE automatically optimizes the printout so that all information is included.




If you want to print a key ring and its contained keys, please click on the name of the key ring in the list – the window will split and there please click on the Keys tab in the upper right corner. Here you can also print the contained keys of the key ring as a list.




The easiest way is to set Microsoft to PDF at Destination in the upper right corner. If you now click on Print at the bottom right, a PDF will be generated. Depending on how your computer is set up, you will either get a selection window where you want to save the file or the file will be saved to the default download folder. Likewise, you can also print the created customers or their areas.