1. Help-Center
  2. Working with the app
  3. Basic information about the app

What is the new app menu

The app has got a new menu from which you can access important functions anywhere in the app.

To access important functions in the app, it was previously necessary to tap your way through the app to access the functions at various points. Now you have all the important functions directly and at every position of the app available.
We explain the individual menu items here in this article.
Home page:


The menu is divided into the following items:

GPS Outputs information about the location, if enabled in the portal for the device
Working time Opens the working time module, if the rights are assigned in the portal
Communications Opens the inbox to read messages, provided that the rights are assigned in the portal.
Operations Displays the tasks that are assigned to the user. Ticket system must be active in the portal for this.
Sync Information about whether the data from the app is synchronized with the portal (active Internet connection required for synchronization).
More Here it is possible to report errors in the app, should something in the app not work as usual

To be able to see all menu items in the app, the corresponding rights in the portal must be assigned to the user!




Working time recording:












