Make contact person a user

Contact persons can quickly become users in order to gain access. After defining a user name and password, individual rights allow targeted access to information.

Basically, a contact person has a rather passive role in COREDINATE. He or she is stored with the respective customer or area so that your team can look up in the app who is to be contacted in case of need. However, it can sometimes make sense to also grant the contact person access to the COREDINATE system. Especially because this shows you to be a very open and transparent company, this goes down well with customers.

You make a contact person the user who has access to COREDINATE with the following simple steps. Log in to the portal and open under Master data/ Contacts

user, contact person, master data, contacts

the contact person you want to make a user, just click on his name in the line.

user, contact person, master data, contacts

Then click on the right side of the image on

user, contact person, master data, contacts

After clicking on Deposit login data, a dialog appears in which you can assign a user name and password to the contact person.

user, contact person, master data, contacts, login info, password


COREDINATE checks directly during input whether the user name is already assigned.

Please note:
With the created access data
you get into the COREDINATE system!

Therefore, please keep the information strictly confidential and ask the recipient to change the password when logging in for the first time.

If all the entered data complies with the specifications, this is indicated by green colored fields.

Platzhalteruser, contact person, master data, contacts, login info, password


Now just click Create and the following message in the bottom right corner of your browser will confirm that the contact person has been created as a user.

From now on, you can recognize a contact person who is also a user in the system by the green dot in the contact person list:

user, contact person, master data, contacts, access

In the future, you will find the contact person in the portal not only under Master data/  Contact person, but also under Administration/  User.

We have already assigned the contact person to a customer or an area during the new creation - but we have not yet defined which rights he should have in the system!

For security reasons, COREDINATE does not automatically assign rights, which means that the user can neither log in to the portal, nor to the app (the latter is also not necessary).

To set the rights for the new user, click on the desired user in the above user list to get to the detailed view. In the lower area you can then assign the rights. To do this, please click on the tab Role and Rights.

user, contact person, master data, contacts, role, rights

Here you have the possibility to give the user the right Log on to the portal. To do this, simply click in the field to the left of Log in to portal and you will immediately see the list of available rights.

user, contact person, master data, contacts, roles, rights

When assigning rights, please make sure that the user really only gets the rights that are relevant for him. Usually the respective right See is sufficient, since the contact person may only look at what has happened and he should not be able to change anything.

Releasing employee-specific data, such as working time records or GPS, is highly questionable for data protection reasons.