Options for assigning rights to users

Here we briefly summarize the options for assigning rights and how you can use them.

You can create users with various rights as an administrator or manager. The rights control the individual functions and access options of the portal and the app. Depending on which right a user has, they can then see a function, edit it or not see it – in which case this function is completely hidden.

It should be noted that there are some rights that depend on other rights. We don't explain all rights in detail here, but just some specifics about the different roles and special rights to consider. You must either create a new user, see here, or you can assign new roles and rights to existing users.

Assignment of rights through predefined roles

You can assign specific rights for certain situations without much effort. This can be advantageous if, for example, you want to grant a customer access to the portal. You don't have to think about which rights the customer needs, the role automatically sets all necessary rights.


The roles and their meaning
Has complete rights for the portal and the app. You should assign this role carefully. As a rule, the role Administrator is completely sufficient!
Alarm receiver
For the use of workstation protection in the reception center, access to the portal only.
App user
All rights to the app except for administration. Can only log in to the app, but not to the portal.
for special access for customers, access only to the portal, not to the app.
Portal users
Read rights with access to the portal. Modify or write not possible. Cost centers, store, shared dashboards hidden. No access to the app.
Similar to Administrator role, but without cost centers, company profile only viewable (not editable). Access to the app as administrator. Normally this role is completely sufficient for object managers or other responsible persons to be able to make all settings!


Please note that the predefined system roles cannot be changed, deleted or hidden!


Roles can also be created individually so that certain users only get the rights they really need.

An example: You have e.g. a fire watch, who should only be able to scan checkpoints and receive messages on the app. On the portal, however, this user should also be able to see his area times and his completed tasks, as well as contact persons. To do this, please click on Administration in the main menu on the left and then on Roles. Here you have a blue + Create role button in the upper right corner, which you click on.




Then enter the desired name of the role.



Select the desired rights by clicking the red (inactive) buttons to the right of Log in to the app and/ or Log in to the portal, each of which then turns green (active)


and below you now have the option to set the individual rights to set. 

  • Not see
  • See
  • Edit (Manage)

A click on the desired icon then turns the right on or makes it invisible




This is only an example – you can assign the rights individually. If you now click on the green button Save, the role is saved and is also immediately displayed in the list with the available roles.


Now you can assign this role to all users who need these requirements.


You can also directly assign the rights individually as described above when creating a user and then save these rights as a separate role if required, by clicking on the bottom left click. However, this is not mandatory if you do not want this. However, this makes sense if you want to give these rights to other users in the future without having to select them manually each time. It is quite possible that you can quite easily assign the same role to many users without having to click on each user individually.







By the way, you can also change predefined roles in a certain way by simply changing the desired right by clicking on the eye symbols. If you want to do this, you will get the following hint:



If you confirm this, the assigned role is no longer active and the user receives individual rights. You can now save these individually for the user or create a new role for these rights.