What is an alarm profile?

An alarm profile is required for workstation protection so that the alarm criteria can be recorded and processed by COREINATE.

Creating an alarm profile

In order for COREDINATE to know which devices and thus employees are to be protected and how to react in the event of an alarm, we must first create an alarm profile. In the alarm profile, all three essential criteria that are relevant for the workplace protection converge, these are:  



Parameter Meaning Example
Alarm criteria
What triggers an alarm? What should COREDINATE pay attention to? An alarm is triggered when the employee has been inactive for 5 minutes, for example.
Monitored devices
Which devices are monitored? Only the device from plant 1 is to be monitored, not the one from plant 2.
Alarm receiver
Who should be notified in the event of an alarm? Only the employees Günter Meier and Thomas Schmidt from the operations center should receive an alarm.

In the following, we will now go into each individual parameter in a little more detail:

Alarm criteria

The alarm criteria define which criteria COREDINATE should pay attention to during monitoring and also whether there is an alarm profile according to the VDE standard at all. For this purpose, we have clearly presented all relevant criteria for you in list form:



Please note that we do not query motion sensors from the mobile device.
So the position of the phone or a vibration is not detected!



Selection of the relevant alarm criteria

With COREDINATE, you determine yourself how extensive the workplace protection should be.
This is done simply by switching the switches for the respective criterion. If, for example, you do not want to make it a condition that an alarm receiver must actively confirm that it is ready to receive at the start of the shift (Requires active alarm receiver
), so simply set the switch behind it from active to inactive.


At this point, we would like to point out once again that it is only possible to meet all the VDE specifications for devices with a red alarm button. Currently, COREDINATE can therefore only use all functions together with certain devices. You can order such a device directly in our store, which you can reach via our portal – of course, our sales department will also be happy to help you on the phone at +49 9842/80491-20.


At this point, we would like to go into the relevant parts of DIN V VDE V 0825-11 once again, as we have based our alarm function very much on these specifications:


Criterion Explanation

Permanent connection test

The device must constantly have a connection to the server, because otherwise it is of course possible that an alarm cannot be transmitted at all in an emergency. This is continuously checked by the system. If the connection breaks down, a technical alarm is triggered.

Alarm switch on the device

Via such a red alarm button, the employee has the possibility to send a so-called will-dependent alarm. As soon as the button is pressed, an alarm occurs without further delay.

Inactivity until time alarm

Period until a time alarm is triggered when the employee is not active on the device. May not be less than 5 minutes and greater than 30 minutes according to the DIN standard. The desired value can be entered in the field as a number.


Time period when the pre-alarm is triggered before the time alarm if the employee is not active at the device. Must not be less than 30 seconds and greater than 120 seconds according to DIN standard. The desired value can be entered in the field as a number.

Requires active alarm receiver

Determines whether work may be started with a device if no alarm receiver is registered. After logging into the app, a test alarm is triggered by pressing the red alarm button, which must be acknowledged by an alarm receiver in the receiving center. The employee cannot log on to the app before this!

Operating state cannot be reset independently

Active if the employee is not allowed to reset the device to the operating state independently after the alarm has been triggered.

Alarm center phone number

Here you enter a non-public phone number (e.g. mobile phone of the incident commander or landline of a central control center for alarm intervention).
Please note that it is forbidden in Germany to have public emergency numbers such as 110, 112, etc. called by automatic dialing systems!


All these criteria must be set to Active only if the alarm is to be set up in conformity with the specifications of DIN V VDE V 0825-11 (as of December 2007).

However, you can also click together a kind of workplace protection light, which does not fall back on all criteria, but still protects your employees better than no device at all.

The great advantage of COREDINATE:

The system automatically checks whether all conditions for VDE-compliant workplace protection have been met and indicates this in the detailed view of the alarm profile.




If all criteria for the VDE standard are fulfilled, this will be clearly indicated immediately:
