Export work results directly

The work results can be exported as event reports in PDF or CSV format and sent by e-mail with just a few clicks.

Any type of work results can be exported directly with just a few mouse clicks. For example, it is possible to output event reports including images as PDF files or control point scans in CSV format. To export, simply proceed as follows:

Log in to the portal and click on Work results and Checkpoint Scans in the main menu on the left.


Now select the desired entries that you want to export – it is advisable to use the filter function here.




If you select a customer, all objects of the customer including control point scans are listed in the exported report. If you only select an area, only the control point scans of the area (or of this object) are listed in the report. However, you can also select individual or multiple checkpoints for an object, in which case those not selected will not be included in the report (e.g. checkpoints for time recording).

Now click on the filter field again (in our example Assignments) and the pop-up closes again. You will now see the word Date above the list on the left. Click on the small grey box to the left of the word Date and all entries on this page will be selected.

If you want to export more data records than are displayed, click in the grey box to the left of Date, all entries on this page will be selected and the existing number of data records will also be displayed to the right of the Export button. If you click on this, all data records are exported across all pages without you having to select the pages.


Please note that this type of export only works if you use the filter function!


A blue line now appears directly above the list with the number of selected data records (left) and an Export button – please click on it. A selection of export options opens, which we will briefly explain below.




Wenn Sie Exportieren und dann E-Mail versenden, CSV oder PDF auswählen, bekommen Sie ein Popup-Fenster.



There you have the option of customising the columns that should be included in the document. For example, you can hide employees and/or devices in the report. To do this, click once on the desired row to select it and then click on the 2nd arrow from the top in the centre of the columns (shown in the image as Clear selection).

If you have clicked on the arrow symbol, the selected entries are moved to the left into the inactive column and are no longer displayed in the report.



After clicking on Export, the file is exported and the employee and the device from our example are no longer displayed in the exported file.

If you click on the green arrow on the left of inactive columns, which points to the right, the respective entry is moved back to the right to the active columns and thus displayed again in the exported document.

Example of a customised, exported PDF:


Export as PDF

As the name suggests, a PDF file is generated from the list data. This is a fairly common and simple format with good readability. It can be opened by practically anyone and is suitable for sending by email, but also for archiving.


CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, i.e. a list of values separated by commas. This format is sometimes somewhat difficult for the human eye to read, but can be used well in a spreadsheet programme such as Excel.

Send e-mail

This command also generates a PDF file, which is then sent directly by e-mail from COREDINATE. An input field for the recipient's e-mail address then opens and the file is sent immediately.