Set order and schedule

With COREDINATE, you can ensure that your employees scan checkpoints in the correct order. This way, they follow your instructions and complete tasks efficiently.

Monitoring of the sequence by COREDINATE

As already mentioned, COREDINATE-OWKS® is able to monitor the correct sequence when scanning the control points on the tour. Whether you want to use this is up to you. In practice, it can be an advantage if your employees use a certain amount of variety in the rounds so as not to be too predictable. You therefore have the choice between these two options:

Flexible order

If you make this selection in the table above, COREDINATE does not care in which order your employees scan the checkpoints on the tour. Only the completeness is monitored according to the motto "No matter in which order, the main thing is that everything is done". The employee can see on the smartphone which checkpoint has already been scanned on the tour because COREDINATE counts up all completed points and colors them green: 


Mandatory order

If you select the entry Mandatory in the Sequence column when creating the respective checkpoint for the tour, COREDINATE not only monitors whether all checkpoints on the tour are approached.

In this case, COREDINATE also monitors whether your employees run through the checkpoints in the order you require.

This can make sense if there is an ideal route within larger properties or if employees have to follow a sequence so that they are in certain places at certain times.

To monitor a sequence, at least two control points with the entry Sequence mandatory are required or the entry Extended sequence behavior must be active, in which case you can also set only one control point as mandatory, the control points before and after the "mandatory" control points can then be scanned in any order. 

Within the control points with the Mandatory characteristic, the sequence is then determined by the sequence in the list of control points.

In short: COREDINATE then expects your employees to go through the checkpoints in the exact order in which they are listed in the tour. If a sequence is specified and the employee does not adhere to it but scans the wrong checkpoint, the following message appears on the smartphone within the app:



Your employee therefore knows exactly which checkpoint he has just scanned (here: checkpoint 09 door) and which would actually have been his turn (here: checkpoint 07 and checkpoint 08). COREDINATE therefore helps to rectify errors during the tour.

If you change the order, you can either reset order or save order.


Set a schedule

You can also use COREDINATE to specify when a tour can or must be completed. This makes it possible to schedule individual tours precisely. If you have created a new tour, Always executable is always automatically stored in the time planning. This means that the tour can be carried out by your team at any time without a time limit.

The time planning is saved individually for each tour. You can find them as follows:

  1. Log in to the portal and open the tour overview.


  2. Open the desired tour and then the Scheduling area.


  3. A tour can be carried out at any time. If you would like to set specific times, please click on + Add schedule rule.

A wizard opens, allowing you to conveniently set when and how often your tour should be carried out 


Depending on the preselection you make via these tabs, you have the following setting options:

Rhythm – Unique 

The tour only needs to be completed once at a specific time. You can set:

  • Time
  • Date

Example: The tour is to be carried out on 15.08.2018 at 9 a.m.

Rhythm – Daily

The tour must be carried out every day at a specific time. You can set this:

  • Time
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then shipping will only take place daily during this period)

Example: The tour should be carried out every day at 9 am.

Rhythm – Weekly

The tour is due on certain days of the week. You can set:

  • Time
  • Day of the week (simply click)
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then shipping will only take place during this period)

Example: The tour should be carried out every Monday at 9 am.

Rhythm – Monthly

The tour is due on a specific day of the month. You can set this:

  • Time
  • Day of the month
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then shipping will only take place during this period)

Example: The tour must be carried out on the 15th of every month.

Rhythm – Annual

The tour is due on a specific day within a specific month. You can set:

  • Time
  • month
  • Day of the month
  • Limited period (check the box if desired, then shipping will only take place during this period)

Example: The tour should be carried out every year on December 24th.


Please make your selection and then click on Continue. The appointment has been saved for the tour and can be seen in the detailed view of the tour.

Note: If a tour is available e.g. from 20:00 and you have a follow-up time of e.g. 5 minutes, your employees should not wait until the last second to start the tour, as there may be duplications in the portal from a technical point of view. This means that the tour would appear once as completed and once as time expired in the portal.