Edit tasks via the portal

Tasks can be edited not only via the app, but also via the portal. The following article shows how this works.

With tasks, you can give your team important work assignments whose due date is even monitored by COREDINATE. If the task is due for completion, COREDINATE will actively point it out within the app if desired.

We have already explained how to create a task here. The following is now about editing a task via the portal, i.e. either documenting it,

  • that the task has been completed or

  • that the task has not been completed.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First, make sure that you have the Manage Tasks right under Administration/User.

  2. After logging in to the COREDINATE portal, open the menu items Work results/Task completion.

  3. Now click the Document task button above the task list.


  4. Now a list of all your customers as well as the subordinated areas opens, please select the area to which you want to document the task and click Next.



Please note: Tasks that are linked to a checkpoint are not offered for processing here! If you link a task to a checkpoint, it is important to be present on site. We have therefore prevented remote completion from the portal.


5. In the next step, all tasks available in the selected area will be displayed, please make your selection.


6. In the last step comes the most important statement: Did you complete the task or not? Please make your selection via the two buttons.


Once you have completed the task, no further entries will be made at this point, unless a form has also been linked to the task. You can then complete this by clicking on the blue Continue button at the bottom right.

If you have not completed the task, you must then enter the reasons for this.

Otherwise, click on Complete task and you will then see the completed task in the list.


Important note: Just like the form function in the app, the use of the form function in the portal is also a chargeable function. If you want to use it, please contact our sales department in advance:
or +49 9842 804 91 20.