Use filters

At some places in the portal you have the possibility to search explicitly for certain entries. For this purpose there is the filter function.

You can search specifically for entries in the portal under the work results. This is the filter function of COREDINATE and is intended to facilitate your search or to help you quickly find the information you need. You have customized filter options for the respective submenus.

Two basic filters are the same everywhere:

  • Own period – here you set the period for which you need data.

    The first click marks the beginning of the period and the second click marks the end of the period. Under the calendars you can see the times that you can still select.
  • Assignments – Here you select the area(s) for which you need records.Use_filters_EN_02

In the respective submenus there are then Further filters, which may differ slightly depending on the submenu:

(Repeating entries we explain only at the first entry).

Daily Activity Report (Guard book)


  • Employees – filters by the names of the employees (multiple selection possible)
  • Type –filters by the different entry types.
  • Activities – display when who logged in to the app or portal, who accessed which areas on the app and when, etc.
  • Working time recording – displays the recorded times with the employee's name
  • Tasks – shows completed but also not completed tasks
  • Area time recording – Returns the recorded times with the names of the customer and the area (e.g. an object) with names of the employees.
  • Events – displays captured events with pictures and remark
  • Control points – displays all detected control points NFC, GPS, Bluetooth Beacon.
  • Tours – displays the tour completion regardless of the status
  • Key log – lists all accepted and delivered keys or key rings

By default the Activities item is inactive, to better preserve the overview in the watch book. Simply check or uncheck the boxes for what you need information for or not.

Checkpoint Scans


  • Device – displays devices that were scanned with
  • Employees – displays selected employees



  • Event type – one or more event types can be selected
  • Form – which form should be displayed
  • Form fields – Which form field (the name, what the field is called, e.g. meter reading).
  • Search form field value – what was entered into the field by the employee (e.g. in case of meter reading, the value).
  • Device – the device with which the entry was captured
  • Employee – Name of the employee
  • Status – was the event Modified or deleted

Tour status


  • Duration – Was the tour completed in the time frame, too slowly or too quickly.
  • Substitute evidence – if checkpoints could not be scanned and a photo was deposited as evidence for them
  • Device – the device with which the entry was captured
  • Employee – name of the employee who ran the tour
  • Tour – What tour is it about
  • Status – shows whether the tour is in progress or paused, completed, canceled or expired.



  • Task – name of the task
  • Form – name of the linked form attached to the task.
  • Form fields – Which form field (the name, what the field is called, e.g. meter reading).
  • Search form field value – what was entered into the field by the employee (e.g. in case of meter reading the value).
  • Device – the device with which the entry was captured
  • Employee – name of the employee who has completed the task
  • Status – Completed, not completed, canceled or expired



  • Device – the device with which the alarm was triggered
  • Employee – name of the employee who triggered the alarm

Key log


  • Device – the device with which the key was scanned
  • Employee – name of the employee who has accepted or handed over the key/key ring
  • Key – name of the issued key or key ring



  • User – name of the editing employee
  • Processes – name of the process
  • Status – In Progress, Completed or Open