Prepare GPS function

COREDINATE uses GPS to determine the position of employees. This can be used for alarm interventions, searching for overdue employees or analyzing movement patterns.


With COREDINATE, you can benefit from state-of-the-art GPS technology. If you have patrols for alarm intervention, you can see at a glance, for example, which employee is fastest on the scene and can delegate in a targeted manner. If an employee is overdue or does not respond to your requests, you can find them much faster in an emergency.

The GPS function is only available when

  • GPS has been activated on the smartphone
  • GPS tracking has been activated in the device management of the portal
  • you have the appropriate access rights to this function

COREDINATE can only work with the GPS data that are delivered. So we have no influence on a bad reception quality of the GPS signal or on missing data in the map material. Please also note that GPS is usually not available in buildings, because it requires a so-called line of sight to the satellite and depending on the environment (e.g. a lot of metal) there may be reflections that distort the GPS signal.

Preparation of the GPS function

As already mentioned, two essential settings are necessary before you can use the GPS function of COREDINATE:

Activate the GPS function on the smartphone

It is not said that the GPS function is automatically enabled in your smartphone. You can check this quite easily by dragging down the top line of the home screen on your smartphone. Depending on the version of the operating system, the display should then look like this:


The color of the GPS icon has the following meaning:
(By tapping the icon you can switch the GPS function at any time).





The GPS function is activated.



Grayed out:

The GPS function is not activated.

Not found what you were looking for? Then you can also reach the GPS settings via Settings and Location on your smartphone.

Activating and deactivating the GPS function in the portal

So that you have control from the portal over which smartphone GPS data is requested, we have provided a corresponding area there. Proceed as follows to activate the GPS function:

  1. In the portal, in the main menu on the left, first open the Administration entry and then Devices



  2. In the device list, click the name of the device (smartphone) for which you want to enable or disable GPS

  3. Then click on the pencil at the top right of the detailed view of the device to get to the edit view (only possible if you have the appropriate rights)

  4. Select GPS – Yes and the number of seconds of the GPS tracking interval.


  5. Click Save when you have made your settings.


By default, 30 seconds are always entered.
In practice, however, a value of 120 – 180 seconds has proven to be very good.


From now on, GPS data will now be requested for this device and output in the portal. To deactivate the GPS function, follow the same steps and simply select No instead of Yes.


Android's system structure does not allow forced activation of the GPS function from the portal. Ultimately, the employee can deactivate the GPS function on the cell phone at any time, which cannot be prevented with normal on-board means.