Set a notification for a particular incident

With automatic event notification, you can send specific incidents by e-mail as soon as an event is captured.

You can send them to yourself – or to your company – or specifically to various responsible employees in the companies where the incident you have set up has been recorded. First you have to click (provided you have the necessary rights) on the left in the main menu on the item Reporting and then on Notification rules.



Then please click on the blue button + Create notification pattern on the top right, as shown in the next picture.



In the following window please enter the desired name for your notification rule.



Now please select Incident with specific incident type reported.



Then click on Continue at the bottom right of the dialogue window and select the incidents you want to have sent automatically by clicking on them.



If you have clicked on Apply, you will get an overview of the incident types that are to be reported.



By clicking on Continue you can choose whether you want to have the event sent by e-mail or via Google spreadsheets.



Click on Send Email with report to select to whom the e-mail should be sent and in which area or customer the event should be reported.



By clicking on Create you will get to the view where you have to define the recipients.



Select the recipient by clicking on an e-mail address already stored in the system.




you can also enter recipients who are not stored in the portal. Simply enter the desired recipient – e-mail address in the upper field and click on the green + symbol on the right after entering. Immediately the e-mail address is added.


Once you have clicked Apply, all you have to do is click Save.

Your notification rule is created and ready to use. This would complete the setup and you will be shown a summary of it again.



By clicking on the small pencil icon, you can make further changes to the rules you have set, such as changing email addresses or adding or removing events.