How does COREDINATE work?

COREDINATE replaces traditional data collectors and offers numerous intelligent functions that make the daily work of security forces easier.


The basic idea behind COREDINATE is not new. Guard patrol systems have been around almost as long as there have been guard services. In the past, keys were fixed in certain places in the guarded object, with which the security guard operated a kind of clock, which in turn printed the date and time of presence on a paper strip. For documentation purposes, these strips were then pasted into the guard book. In the course of time, special data collectors came into vogue, which had to be additionally carried along and inductively read the control points attached to the wall.

COREDINATE now defines the beginning of a new era. No special and cost-intensive hardware is required anymore – all that is needed is a smartphone with Android operating system and NFC connection, which the security guard usually has with him anyway. NFC (=Near Field Communication) is an international transmission standard based on RFID technology for the contactless exchange of data via electromagnetic induction.

You can also use COREDINATE with so called Bluetooth beacons and with GPS checkpoints. Just search for the keywords GPS or Beacon in our help center, there the setup and usage is explained.

COREDINATE thus replaces any traditional guard patrol system, but it is much more. By using the mobile device platform, there are numerous intelligent functions to choose from that massively simplify the daily work of the security guard. The COREDINATE system consists of two components: An Android app or iOS app that runs on the security guard's smartphone and a portal that runs on the manager's PC or Mac (property manager/management). In the process, both components are always in contact and update each other.


Vorbereitung_Smartphone Vorbereitung_Tablet

App on the smartphone.                          Portal in the browser of your PC or tablet.

The Android app of COREDINATE can be easily installed by calling our Download link install in the browser of the smartphone. The app for Apple can be downloaded from the Apple Store. Search for COREDINATE. The portal does not even require installation to operate - a normal Internet browser is all that is needed. During operation, the control points are then read into the system by scanning, just as with traditional data collectors. This is done inductively (via NFC) and thus contactless. It is enough to hold the back of your smartphone (on some devices the NFC is located near the camera) near the checkpoint. Depending on the model of the smartphone used, the control points are best read at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm.



                               Scan of a control point


For physical reasons, there may be problems with the scan if the control point has been placed on solid metal. For such cases we have special On Metal checkpoints ready for you in our store. Simply click in the main menu of the portal on Shop.