Export or restart completed operations

Completed processes can of course be exported and/or restarted. Here we explain how this works.

To tie in with the related article, we briefly describe the step of closing an operation again here:

If a process is completed, it is displayed under Master data -> My cases in the list on the right-hand side:


To finally complete the process, please click the green tick on the right under Action. Now you still need to confirm the action.




Immediately the completed task will be displayed at Work results -> Cases (click on the left in the main menu) and removed from Master data -> Cases.


You can export single or multiple processes as a PDF file and/or resume processes again, i.e. restart them. We describe how this works here in this article. In the main menu please click on Work results -> Cases, a list with your completed tours will appear: (for better demonstration see the following animation).


Depending on how your browser is set, you will either be offered Save As when you click on PDF and you can decide yourself where to save the file (as in our example), or the file will be automatically placed in the Downloads folder (in most browsers on the PC you can reach the Downloads folder with the key combination CTRL & J).

In addition, you still have the option to reopen an already completed process.

Important information:
If a process is started again, it will not appear a second time in the list of completed processes! For this to be the case, please start a new operation and complete it.

If you restart a task, the report will only show the time when the task was completed again – not the time when the task was executed again. (In our example, the process was completed the 1st time on 05/31/2021 - 09:20, and again at 14:21, but the times of the tasks were not changed).


Therefore, it is recommended to always start a new process.


Below you can see where to restart a completed operation:
