Become a customer

Becoming a COREDINATE customer requires only a few steps.

Since you can read this, you have already fulfilled the most important requirement:

You have activated your DEMO license and are in the trial phase.

Once you have logged into the portal, you will see your name at the very top right.

To the left of your name you have an envelope symbol and another globe symbol with a 1

1. possibility to become a customer:

Please click on the icon with the globe Weltkugel_Benachrichtigung

An information will appear on which you can click to change the demo license to a paid license.


2. possibility to become a customer:

Please click on the left in the main menu on the item Administration and then below on Devices.


Now you can see the mobile device you are using for your test on the right side.

Click on the name of your device in the line




and you are in the single view of the phone.




Here you will see the License field further to the right where there is a small pencil which you can click on to enter the license selection view.




Now click on the left in front of the desired license in the small, round field and then on Change license type.

From now on we are pleased to welcome you as our customer.

Please note that prices vary depending on the type of application!

In our example here we have the application Security!


You can only book the free Manager app if you have already purchased a license!