Assign mobile devices to clients/ areas

You may need to be able to assign devices to specific areas and/or clients for clarity and to better assign mobile devices.

First of all, it is important to note:

If a user is assigned to an area or a client and the mobile device is directly assigned to your company, then the employee can no longer view the devices.

In order for the user to be able to see the devices that are in use and/or managed by him, the corresponding devices must also be assigned to the areas or clients to which the user is also assigned.

By the way, the mobile devices remain operational in all areas even when assigned to specific clients/ areas!

Here with the assignment it concerns only a better representation possibility in the portal.

If a mobile device is taught-in by a user with corresponding rights and an assignment to certain clients/areas, the mobile device is also immediately assigned to these clients/areas of the user, so that the user can manage his device.

To make one (or more) device(s) visible to a user, please proceed as follows:

Please log in to the portal as an administrator or as an administrator. On the left side of the main menu please click on Administration and below that on Devices. Here you now have the device list, where you can select whether you want to reassign a single device or several devices at once. What options you have for the assignments, we have shown in the following gif image.



Please note that it is not necessary to select the assignments multiple times, as the animation above shows. The animated image is just to show how you can make the assignments in different ways.