Assign incidents to customers or areas

You can assign certain incident types exclusively to one or more customers or areas.

Please log in to the portal with the required rights, if you have not already done so. Now click on Master data in the main menu on the left, then on incident types in the submenu:


Here you can see the incident types overview. All event types are displayed in this list and you can also immediately see whether this event type is assigned to a customer or area.


Simply click on the black field next to Groups and you will be shown where the event type is assigned:


Now select the desired event type by clicking on the name of the event type (which is now highlighted in blue). In the newly opened window on the right, you have the option of changing the information, copying the event type or adjusting the assignments.


To change the event type (e.g. rename, correct spelling mistakes or add/change the description), simply click in the field you want to edit. Then click on Save at the bottom right.




You can set the responsibilities in the next tab Assignments.


  • If you select the client, the event type is visible for all areas of the customer in the app.

  • If you only select the area, this event type can only be selected for this area in the app.

  • If you check the box at the top (your company name), this event type can be recorded for all customers in all areas!



Now click on Set assignments and the new assignments are saved.

Edit multiple incident types

As a small convenience function, you can also reassign several event types at once, either if you have already assigned them once and now need them somewhere else or if you generally need them somewhere else completely. Please place a tick in front of the event types that you want to reassign and click on Action and then on Edit assignments in the dropdown.


After clicking on Edit assignments, you will see a pop-up where you can now select your new assignments for the selected event types.



Here you can also delete event types that are no longer required. To do this, simply click on Delete and a warning will appear. If you click Confirm here, the event types will be deleted.

Check the desired customers and/or areas and then click on set assignments again. You will immediately see in the overview that the assignment has been changed. In the overview list, you can also quickly find out where an event type is assigned by clicking on the respective black symbol on the right-hand side of the list. The exact assignment is displayed there - you do not have to open the event type separately:


In the app, only those event types that are either global at company level or explicitly assigned to an area will be visible in the individual areas.


If you only explicitly assign event type C to customer A, area A, it will not be visible for customer A, area B, nor for any other customer or in any other area.